Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Aint Nothing Gunna Hold Me Down!

Happy 9 months my son!! I can't believe how quickly things have gone. From weeks of uncertainty, to 9 months later of nothing in your way. 

I still can't wrap my head around how quickly time goes. I sit here and watch you play with your sister and marvel at how much just that process has developed. You've mastered the art of annoying your sissy. Ha ha; I will admit, it is quite entertaining. You reply to her protest with some type of babbling, an equivalent loud "hey" sound, or your most common response, hearty laughter and squealing. You always look for her when you are upstairs, calling out to her "Ah nana". 

Your Dad's prediction of you crawling by 10/18/14 was SPOT ON! You have been crawling for almost a month now. And man alive, your favorite spots are all the BAD ONES!!! Under dining room chairs, under dining room table, and behind Daddy's rocking chair. Recently though, you've started trying to pull yourself up on things. Just this morning (11/11/14), you pulled yourself up using the couch. Lasted about a second and then you twisted and tipped over.
Trying to pull up again.

You gave up and got distracted

My prediction?? You'll be walking around furniture by the time you're 10 months old :-)

The doctor was very impressed at how healthy you looked. You've leaned up a tad since crawling, weighing in at 19.12 lbs. Your dome continues to impress, lol. And I'm floored at how long you are; 29"!! going to have to replace your carseat soon!! I'm not surprised though with as much as you eat! still taking 4 sippy cups of formula during the day, 3 meals, and a sippy at night. Yeah that's right, you STILL don't sleep through the night. I mean I know you love me, but come on, this Momma is holding tight for the night when I can sleep again. 

I love this stage of your life. Everything is so exciting and new for you! You have the mentality that no one and nothing can stop you. Seriously, when something gets in your way you try to move it by ramming your head into it. Lol, not sure if that's good for the cranium, but it's hilarious when you try to "move" the couch. For your age you are very intense with your focus and if you want something it is very hard to deter you. 

I can't wait to see what happens next for you. Christmas is coming up. You'll be old enough to enjoy the lights and sounds and old enough to rip into whatever goodies we place beneath the tree for you.

My dearest son, you are loved. 

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