Tuesday, October 14, 2014

It's the Daily Victories....

8 Months?!?!?! No way, not possible. I refuse to believe it. My helpless itty bitty baby boy has become a frustrated, I-wanna-be-independent, 8-month old.  From 4-month old established cooing and gurlging, to 6-month old established "da da" and constant rolling, to our current days of 8-month old estabilshed ability to sit up on his own. 

While I site here typing this, Logan is in the middle of his own version of a conversation, consisting of the following: "da da da da", "ma ma ma ma", "phhhhhhhhht", "*cough cough*", "argggggghhhhhh". It brings a smile to my face to see how far he's come since his very rough and emotional start in this world. I cherish the time with my kids so much more now. By the way, for those that may not know, my strong lil man is 100% assisted air free!! He's so strong and healthy now. And when I say strong, I'm not being an over-exaggerating mother, he's taken some skin off my face with his love, ha ha. 

He is soo close to crawling it's almost more frustrating for me than him, ha ha! He takes about 2 crawling "steps" and weeble wobbles right over. But he doesn't stop. His Daddy has predicted he'll be crawling by the weekend (10/18/2014). I don't doubt it with as determined as he is. 

As proof of his determination, he has been working very hard on his tooth development. at 8 months of age, he has 3 lower teeth. Opposite his sister, who cut her "vampire" top teeth first, he has NO upper teeth, yet. Although, he has already moved into finger snack foods, whereas, his sister didn't get those until almost 10 months (due to lack of teeth). In the area of mashing and chomping, he is a champion!

Sibling rivalry has already begun. When I say that, it's more one-sided at this point. Alana is a tad jealous sometimes of the attention Logan gets. But for some reason, when I offer her oatmeal mush, she's not interested. Weird! Do not be dismayed, her love for him far outweighs the occurances of jealousy. It warms my heart when I come around the corner and I see her sitting there with her "bubby" giving him hugs and kisses all the while saying "i lub you more mostest". 

My days as a SAHM have been so fulfilling since Logan joined our days. Just when you think your heart is full to the brim with love capacity, God gives you more :-) 

Life is good, my son is healthy, and I'm looking forward to more of his everyday discoveries! 

My words of wisdom for you my sweet boy:
Always remember that no matter how much you guys may fight, or how aggravating you might think your sister is, she has been the funnest part of your early days and she loves you more than you know.